damn thats really sucks i would have love to se your game on steam i hope you fine a way around it around so you can post it on steam :D i love your work <3 i hope you have not given up on it <3 keep it on as you are one of the few kinky kings
what do you mean a little feud going on? but are you still planning to put it on steam well once it fixed or clear out? and i gusse they will be more fdom games
steam has banned adult games in germany - entirely. decision by the government. I am not sure if there will be a sudden change in politics...it is just unlikely. germany already unsuccessfully tried to ban xhamster from the internet, lol
thanks for the answer your really know how make great characters thats why i want know cos they are all great :D also do you have plans on putting it on steam and what is your plans when the game is done is it keep adding more stuff or start making new femdom games and i know its hard to answer :D also stay kinky :p
who knows, we will see what the future brings, but steam and my country have a little feud going on. i have plenty of ideas for more games, but we will see what the future brings
not sure, I guess it will depend on the popularity of that woman. If there is one that only appears in a bad ending and a lot of people want to see her again, who am I to deny that :D. Blackmore has a lot of room for side quests
I created this account just to comment this: I've played a LOT of games (femdom/bdsm/futa or not) and I can say this is the best porn game . Dartoz, you are a monster! Everyday I enter here looking for a update. I'm from Brazil, and the current currency is so weak, that I can't help you in Patreon right now, but I wish I could.
Great game! I like the memory room a lot. I played the game several times trying to unlock all the memories but there are still several ones, mostly on page 3, that I have no clues on where to find them. I tried at futaslider 50 and 100. Would you care to give out a hint or two?
This game has an incredible start. Great mix of kink and underlying story. Would be cool to have repeat encounters with the same characters as the game deepens since they are so interesting but looking forward to new things as well. I for sure will be supporting the game; first time I feel compelled to do so! Great work and can't wait to see how it evolves
What a fantastic game! Thank you so much for all the work. I'm not presently too worried about Day 4 because I still have a lot of Memory Room blanks to try and fill in. I hate to distract you from this great work but could I ask if there are any randomly generated side quests as you go along, or is it simply up to the player to spot where options arise in a set series of encounters? There are the map options at the end of each day, but are there any other ways of branching out? The Memory Room is a such a brilliant idea btw.
thx. the side quests are not randomly generated and are hard to miss right now. unless you have things like the futaslider at 0 for example, because that locks you out of additional futa content and quests no matter what you do
Thanks for the reply. The only thing I declined in the settings was male on male action, I think. Futa was up near the max. The biggest run of blanks I've got at the moment is from 'Face for Riding' with the Matriarch, to 'All the Smoke' with two girls from the Airborne Club. I see some artwork for Futa Demons and Greenish Succubi on Your site, as well as some puppy play in a cage, but I guess this all comes later on in the developing series?
the spider kills you if you spend too much time clicking on everything instead of just going for the list. you can also hide and throw meat to negate the timewasting and you can just run without looking back or wasting time again. vivienne becomes available after day 3
Made this account just to be able to leave my feedback.
To begin, when playing this game, I feel like you looked into my dreams, took notes, and then decided to make a game about it. Only done one playthrough so far but these scenarios were 10/10. It's lucky I didn't accidentally walk into any glass doors because they'd be shattered into pieces on the floor. I'm just sad that there is only 3 days and I really really hope this one gets a complete final version in the not so distant future.
If I could be so bold as to selfishly propose a few additions... I myself am partial to more slender girls. Lady Vivienne is by far my favorite in the game right now but I only managed to get one scene with her towards the end. I would very much appreciate if you could add a few more petite and/or asian doms to the game moving forward. You pretty much covered like 90% of my kinks already but in the future if there could be a hard ballbusting scene, I'd be really happy. The only other type of scene I'd love to play through is ah.. well.. you already said below you aren't going to take the human-toilet stuff any further than it already is but I'd happily pay for an optional DLC. (just sayin)
As far as the content itself, I was initially not too interested in the story and lore but oddly found myself growing more interested as time went by. Just a quick QoL idea.. if you could include a flowchart (kinda like in Detroit Become Human) that lets us see visually the paths that we chose and have yet to play through. Would be very helpful for repeat playthroughs.
I haven't gotten very far yet, but so far I have to say: Fantastic artwork! For example, I'm not really into the activity Bellatrix engages in at the end of the first day, but she looks so gosh darn amazing doing it, I was still mesmerized by the action. Not just the latex, but also the shape of her hips, thighs etc. Best I've seen anywhere so far. Three thumbs up!
Genuinely one of the best-looking and intriguing femdom games out there. The only shame at this point really is that there isn't more of it to play yet...
I'm really, really looking forward to the human pony path being further developed (there's a sentence I never thought I'd write, but that introductory chariot-scene plus the artbook seems to have hit a spot I wasn't aware of, so thanks for that, darktoz :D)
I played this game twice. I downloaded for free once, and played it on another website too. Finally, after some months to play games like this, I can tell you it's one of the best !!! So I decided to buy this game this time ! And I can't wait for next update.
Wow! Day 3 is intense. Loved every bit of it! Keep up the good work. Wanted to know whether the church is added and I missed or will it come in future updates.
I didn't think there'd be a better Femdom game than Femdom City. You proved me wrong. This one has the potential to be far better :)
thank you so much :) the church itself is content for later days. you will continue to encounter nuns and other members of the church, but it will become visitable later, not for now
Your games and artworks have such a unique style and feel to them. The mix of darkness, eeriness, sexuality, and general atmosphere is something special. I find it genuinely admirable from a creative standpoint. First time I became a patron for (mostly) one single game, but definitely worth it. Best wishes, mate!
love the game! the best femdom game i've ever played. this game deserve to have more audiences! i would like to help translate the game into chinese for free. Chinese subs need this game!!
I love the game, especially its story. Sometimes it gets complicated for me since I don't know English and the translator doesn't translate very well. I hope the project continues and I can see the other girls.
thank you, glad you like the game :) there was a spanish translation planned, but unfortunetly the guy who offered to translate has never reported back :(
← Return to game
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can you play as female being dominated by futas?
bad endings and ending up enslaved or caged are a huge part of the game, i don't think it is a distraction.
not sure what you mean that i wrote " the end " in both scenes there. the game ends there because there is no way for you to escape
Will the translation to other languages be available in the patreon version or only in the public version?
available for all, of course
but it will take time to translate, if that is what you mean
v0.4 is on!! Can't wait to become public so I can play it
if you disble ntr/cuckold you wont get any of that in game at all right? i just wanna make sure that i get that right
Amazing game, firstly! I see that I can enable NTR but I have yet to encounter the scene! Has it been implemented or have I missed it?
this is not implemented and will only be implemented in the end days of the game
I’m having trouble downloading it on my apple phone, do you have any idea how to do it? It would be amazing help:)
it doesn't work on an apple phone because of the apple policy, sorry
damn thats really sucks i would have love to se your game on steam i hope you fine a way around it around so you can post it on steam :D i love your work <3 i hope you have not given up on it <3 keep it on as you are one of the few kinky kings
thank you :)
what do you mean a little feud going on? but are you still planning to put it on steam well once it fixed or clear out? and i gusse they will be more fdom games
steam has banned adult games in germany - entirely. decision by the government. I am not sure if there will be a sudden change in politics...it is just unlikely. germany already unsuccessfully tried to ban xhamster from the internet, lol
thanks for the answer your really know how make great characters thats why i want know cos they are all great :D also do you have plans on putting it on steam and what is your plans when the game is done is it keep adding more stuff or start making new femdom games and i know its hard to answer :D also stay kinky :p
who knows, we will see what the future brings, but steam and my country have a little feud going on. i have plenty of ideas for more games, but we will see what the future brings
will alot of the woman in the game only be part of bad endings or will we se them out side of that?
not sure, I guess it will depend on the popularity of that woman. If there is one that only appears in a bad ending and a lot of people want to see her again, who am I to deny that :D. Blackmore has a lot of room for side quests
Day 4 update in Jun 2025 🥲
See u 9 months later guys....
or maybe the patreon preview post was bait...
but what do i know...;)
I created this account just to comment this: I've played a LOT of games (femdom/bdsm/futa or not) and I can say this is the best porn game . Dartoz, you are a monster! Everyday I enter here looking for a update. I'm from Brazil, and the current currency is so weak, that I can't help you in Patreon right now, but I wish I could.
Anyways, hugs from a fan <3
Thank you so much, I appreciate it :)! Don't worry about the support, I'm glad that you enjoy my games, especially this one!
Great game! I like the memory room a lot. I played the game several times trying to unlock all the memories but there are still several ones, mostly on page 3, that I have no clues on where to find them. I tried at futaslider 50 and 100. Would you care to give out a hint or two?
thanks! some scenes have alternate versions depending on whether you are in chastity or not!
Does the game update mean I have to start the game again ,I'm on an Android phone
normally not, normally you can pick it up where you last saved. but you have to download and update the latest version
Vaya ritmo de actualizaciones : un dia cada x meses .
you can follow the update progress on patreon.com/darktoz
This game has an incredible start. Great mix of kink and underlying story. Would be cool to have repeat encounters with the same characters as the game deepens since they are so interesting but looking forward to new things as well. I for sure will be supporting the game; first time I feel compelled to do so! Great work and can't wait to see how it evolves
thanks so much, glad you enjoy it :)
What a fantastic game! Thank you so much for all the work. I'm not presently too worried about Day 4 because I still have a lot of Memory Room blanks to try and fill in. I hate to distract you from this great work but could I ask if there are any randomly generated side quests as you go along, or is it simply up to the player to spot where options arise in a set series of encounters? There are the map options at the end of each day, but are there any other ways of branching out? The Memory Room is a such a brilliant idea btw.
thx. the side quests are not randomly generated and are hard to miss right now. unless you have things like the futaslider at 0 for example, because that locks you out of additional futa content and quests no matter what you do
Thanks for the reply. The only thing I declined in the settings was male on male action, I think. Futa was up near the max. The biggest run of blanks I've got at the moment is from 'Face for Riding' with the Matriarch, to 'All the Smoke' with two girls from the Airborne Club. I see some artwork for Futa Demons and Greenish Succubi on Your site, as well as some puppy play in a cage, but I guess this all comes later on in the developing series?
So when is there going to be a Update?
progress updates for the game can be found on:
а что делать если я дохожу до комнаты с пауком и паук меня убивает ? и как начать роман с вивьен ?
sorry, i don't understand...the russian translation in the game is not done by me
and what if I reach the room with a spider and the spider kills me? And how to start an affair with Vivien
the spider kills you if you spend too much time clicking on everything instead of just going for the list. you can also hide and throw meat to negate the timewasting and you can just run without looking back or wasting time again.
vivienne becomes available after day 3
tahnks very much bro
i love ur games bcz the plot is so good despite them being "kink games", keep up the good work.
thank you <3
Why game is not free when will it be free for every users
the game is free. what are you talking about?
Made this account just to be able to leave my feedback.
To begin, when playing this game, I feel like you looked into my dreams, took notes, and then decided to make a game about it. Only done one playthrough so far but these scenarios were 10/10. It's lucky I didn't accidentally walk into any glass doors because they'd be shattered into pieces on the floor. I'm just sad that there is only 3 days and I really really hope this one gets a complete final version in the not so distant future.
If I could be so bold as to selfishly propose a few additions... I myself am partial to more slender girls. Lady Vivienne is by far my favorite in the game right now but I only managed to get one scene with her towards the end. I would very much appreciate if you could add a few more petite and/or asian doms to the game moving forward.
You pretty much covered like 90% of my kinks already but in the future if there could be a hard ballbusting scene, I'd be really happy. The only other type of scene I'd love to play through is ah.. well.. you already said below you aren't going to take the human-toilet stuff any further than it already is but I'd happily pay for an optional DLC. (just sayin)
As far as the content itself, I was initially not too interested in the story and lore but oddly found myself growing more interested as time went by.
Just a quick QoL idea.. if you could include a flowchart (kinda like in Detroit Become Human) that lets us see visually the paths that we chose and have yet to play through. Would be very helpful for repeat playthroughs.
Anyway.. very long comment. Great game! 5 ☆s!
Thank you very much for the detailed feedback :) . Oh, btw there is an asian lady in the hotel side quest if you haven't found her...
I haven't gotten very far yet, but so far I have to say: Fantastic artwork! For example, I'm not really into the activity Bellatrix engages in at the end of the first day, but she looks so gosh darn amazing doing it, I was still mesmerized by the action. Not just the latex, but also the shape of her hips, thighs etc. Best I've seen anywhere so far. Three thumbs up!
thanks so much, glad you enjoy it :)
Genuinely one of the best-looking and intriguing femdom games out there. The only shame at this point really is that there isn't more of it to play yet...
I'm really, really looking forward to the human pony path being further developed (there's a sentence I never thought I'd write, but that introductory chariot-scene plus the artbook seems to have hit a spot I wasn't aware of, so thanks for that, darktoz :D)
no problem, always happy to unlock certain hidden kinks :D
Very much looking forward to what else you might uncover... Any hints on that or maybe something you can tease about the human pony path? ;)
it won't be in the next update, that's all i can say ;)
I played this game twice. I downloaded for free once, and played it on another website too. Finally, after some months to play games like this, I can tell you it's one of the best !!! So I decided to buy this game this time ! And I can't wait for next update.
thanks so much for the support :)
there will be more and more bad endings...depending on what you think a bad ending is for you :)
but still plenty non-ending scenes
I check this page every day for updates. Darkdoz - kinky genius :)
thank you :)
no need to check daily...it will take a bit until day 4 is released, that much i can tell ;)
Hello can u please tell me, Can we reach 4th day in 0.3.5c..cuz I cant
no one can ;)
Can you tell me when the next part will be? :)
update progress can be followed on patreon.com/darktoz :)
Wow! Day 3 is intense. Loved every bit of it! Keep up the good work. Wanted to know whether the church is added and I missed or will it come in future updates.
I didn't think there'd be a better Femdom game than Femdom City. You proved me wrong. This one has the potential to be far better :)
thank you so much :)
the church itself is content for later days. you will continue to encounter nuns and other members of the church, but it will become visitable later, not for now
Cool 👍
Your games and artworks have such a unique style and feel to them. The mix of darkness, eeriness, sexuality, and general atmosphere is something special. I find it genuinely admirable from a creative standpoint. First time I became a patron for (mostly) one single game, but definitely worth it. Best wishes, mate!
thank you so much for the compliments and for the support, it is much appreciated :)
love the game! the best femdom game i've ever played. this game deserve to have more audiences! i would like to help translate the game into chinese for free. Chinese subs need this game!!
thank you! that is great!
RenPy actually has an inbuilt translation system so it is easy for translation
I think a good ending will only be if you escape, it's logical)
I love the game, especially its story. Sometimes it gets complicated for me since I don't know English and the translator doesn't translate very well. I hope the project continues and I can see the other girls.
Gracias Darktoz
thank you, glad you like the game :)
there was a spanish translation planned, but unfortunetly the guy who offered to translate has never reported back :(
Best 18+ game I've ever played, looking forward to day 4
thank you <3
not sure yet, but the countess is definitely going to get at least one bad ending ;)