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I've played up to the end of Day 3 of 0.3.5c.  Fantastic game so far !  I am anxiously awaiting further chapters. 

But meanwhile I'm going to go back and make different choices this time.  (I've only seen one of the "bad endings", Spider Death.)

glad you like it :)

will the nuns and some of the others only be part of bad endings or will they be part of the story you will meet them late on outside of the bad endings?

that depends on what the patreon subscribers vote for

Excuese me, Mr. Darktoz, 

I have downloaded the latest version, but I just stuck in the dream of day 3. 

After I finished the dialogue with the "angel," she just pushed me out. Then, it ended with "to be continued." 

Do I have any way to solve this problem, or I actually miss something?

to be continued means the game is not finished. it is 0.3.5c which means it ends atm after day 3

i wanted to do the human toliet stuff but poo is a hard no,  is there poop in game ?

should i keep it off?


there aren't any poo scenes in the game


Yeah !

I'm really looking forward to the episode about the pony farm, I really want to sign a contract with them :)

pony farm seems to be very popular...

(1 edit) (+1)

i wanna say this is one of the best femdom games ever but also i wanna know if you going to put on steam at some point? also will some of the woman only be part of bad ending like the nuns or late on the game will we have things to do with them?

(1 edit)

thanks! i think i will put it on steam once it is done or once it is past 0.6-0.7 or so...we will see

(1 edit)

If you are going to put your great game on Steam, please check the option here on to include a Steam key when purchased here. Unfortunately german Steam users (and some other countries) are left out to buy adult/nudity games on Steam if they have no ratings for Germany on the Steam Shop page. 

aye thank you for your amazing work !! it's awesome, can't wait to chech it out. i was just wondering if it was still not possible to have the game on ios ? too much extra work ?

you mean for iphone? apple is not in favor of nsfw app games

yea for iphone ? not in favor but is it impossible now ? you used to do it before with your last game i think right ? then you stopped. actually i play on android when i can but it'll be great if i could switch on ios tbh. lmk 


i never had any games made for iphone. ever. the problem is apple and its closed environment system and app store

oh yea i get it, ios is quite annoying with his system i understand. aight thank you anyway and keep up your work it's really good 🙌🏾 (especially foot fetish and futa lol)

Tanks for the update. Looking forward to see what you added.

thank you :)


This is fantastic! I love this game! So great to see a new update!

...So, when are you going to finish FemDom City?


when the shadow is moving under the dead tree


Dear Darktoz, I really love your game!I want to know when the content of the fourth day will be released ,and I don't know how to unlock the content between sondras boots and demon game in the memory room (it's on the third day), I can't find it. Thank you.


the demon scene alters whether you have a chastity device on or not, you have to play both with and without chastity to unlock the scenes in the memory room

is there a pony episode in version 0.3.3 or only in 0.3.5?

the only current pony content involved is when you meet the countess. there is no pony episode

Deleted 338 days ago

Hello mr darktoz

the game will end on day 4, is this game continuing?? and when will it come?


the game won't end on day 4 and will be continued

For me, it finished on the 4th day, but it writes on the screen ( to b contacted)

what is the problem??


this is version 0.3.3. that means the game is not finished but a work in progress. So "to be continued" means exactly what it says.

if you want to keep up with the progress and get newer versions early you have to go on

heya dark, just played day 4 loved it, the papers you get from lilith don't show in the inventory is that meant

(2 edits) (+2)

Dear Mr. Darktoz,

Please let me express how much I appreciate your truly unique work for SoB. The setting, storyline, character design, all of it is a real development in terms of quality and genius. I made this account specifically to compliment you on this piece of digital art. It may not exactly be main-stream (*g*), but it's certainly a hidden diamond.

Apart from the multi-layered story (and the meta-plot reveal we could already see a glimpse of towards the end), also the "bad endings" are both entertaining and a little but mischevious. Pretty neat ideas there; Elite Hotel is a favorite currently. The ones which feature a more developing approach (with multiple steps) are beyond any doubt the best. Logically, I'm hoping for an interesting multi-step ending with Caterine von Ark or the Pony Enterprises. Or the desert. Hell, anywhere. :)

I occasionally found myself deliberately moving towards these "game over"-story-sidelines. It's like the typical 80s / 90s games, where you would take a game over screen and appreciate the attempt and felt motivated to start over...something of an interesting design choice alternative to many modern approaches.

On another note: You're always asked in the forums when a new version might be released. From my personal experience in project realization, please consider this polite advice: Take more time. Take more breaks. People on the web will always push you towards date points. Ignore it please. If you were to take 6, 7 or 9 more months, in the end it would be worth it for sure. (And certainly don't open up private communications channels to "special entitlement" individuals like Abo. The post history speaks for itself.)

Lastly, I hope you're feeling better and have a good year ahead of you personally, and the many potentials / days / stages / characters for this amazing artpiece. Simply put: Thank you for your work and everyone reading this: Check the Patreon!

Oh, btw.: Bellatrix deserves anything we can give. Including a blood contract. :)

All the best!

Thank you so much for the positive feedback! Glad you enjoy the game!
And this might be some of the best advice for me that a user has posted :)


Could not have said anything better myslef.

How are you, gaming producer? Thank you. I am looking forward to playing the new update. When will the new version be downloaded? Is it a game for Android?

the new version can already be downloaded on

android as well

Fine, thank you

Hi i would like to know if we can disable futa content or at least avoid it, thanks :) 

yes, you can
there is a slider on the first day where you can determine how much futa content you want to see
just set it to 0 :)


Thanx u for all ur work. Its the best "shit" ive played in years!!!. 

Im was not so into visual novels but this was great. Cant wait for new version.

And what song is playing on main menu?


thank you!

It is the aged tree by dark fantasy studio

Deleted 209 days ago

Sorry, but I have zero experience with OperaGX. I had to google it to even know what it is, so I can't say why it is making trouble

(1 edit) (+1)

How many days are you guys planning on developing? This game is awesome. cant wait for the game to be complete. Do you have any time prediction of when it will be finished? :D


hi there. It's not you guys ;) ... I am a single person developing it. The plan is having between 10 and 14 days plus a lot of side quests
there is no time prediction, this game relies on patreon supporters and that support determines how much time I can spend on creating it


oh nice man! You have done a great job so far! I will definately support as much as i can


got you man just supported you at patreon


thank you very much, sir <3


loved it, can't wait for the next update


thx :)


How are you? Now I need your help with this game as well. I have reached the third day, but when I get to work and try to spy on the manager’s room, the only thing that ends up happening is that I go down the elevator, Spider-Man. I don’t know what to do to continue.


if you want the easy solution and you haven't collected any items then just go collect the list without clicking on anything else (just click to progress into the dark) and when you have it immediatly start to run to the elevator without looking back


Thank you, as I told you, I play it on Android. I will try to do it, but I don’t know how. Do you have a telegram so we can talk there?


How are you? It worked and I escaped. Thank you, but unfortunately I got stuck in another very difficult one. When I press the white circle, I sleep on the fourth night and the game ends with the girl who appears in my dreams. How should I escape from her?😅


How are you? It worked and I escaped. Thank you, but unfortunately I got stuck in another very difficult one. When I press the white circle, I sleep on the fourth night and the game ends with the girl who appears in my dreams. How should I escape from her?😅I think the game is over when you add another update to it. To continue, remember and tell me please


Bellatrix is awesome <3


she is :D


Your game is awesome! You're an artist!

Looking foreward buying the final version somewhen in future.

Kindest regards,



This game is great, its like Vampires of the Masquerade femdom /futadom style.


glad you like it! :)


Very nice discovery! I can't wait to see what happens next.


thx :)


When do you think there will be a new update? And another question... if I spend money on the game today, will the other updates be included?


thank you so much this is nice femdom game hope to see more pegging in your upcoming femdom games. also i love the mix pro wrestling in the femdom game can we have it in upcoming femdom games.


thank you :)
well, you never know what happens later in the game ;)


all right my sweet friend


that's special code for: stay tuned, you'll probably see this but he doesn't want to spoil the story lol. these themes are in the Femdom City M.A.N.T.I.S. game by darktoz :)


Best game ever loved it , thank you :)


glad you like it :)


I'm really enjoyed the last update! What program are you using for  models and backgrounds?


Thank you :)
Daz3D and photoshop


Thanks for you answer! Quick question, are you planning to add a character for ballbusting? I notice every character as a "fetish trait" so I was wondering if you got planned one even for bb


I couldn't find it in the game / the credits wouldn't load; what's the menu song from/by?? i really love it so much!!


here you go:
you can also buy it from the unity asset store


Hey really enjoyed the game so far do you have a rough date for the next update


no. updates and progress talk can be found on


Hi! This is really a great game! I had such a blast and some very good laughs. I'm really looking forward for more! I must stay, that day 3 feels like the game almost is at its end. But I seriously hope there is so much more to come! :) Well done!


thank you :) ... i think there's more to come ;)


Really great game i got absorbed into the story and i love bellatrix she is the best i like her design and how she treats ur character   


thanks :)


hey man , love your game , I been playing since the elf one , is kinky indeed ... regard to this game I have question ... So... if I pick no futa mean the game modified all futa to normal woman or it get filter out , so I can't meet some of the character 


it mainly gets filtered
there is currently one encounter where a monster girl gets altered to a monster futa if your score is high enough
the game is in an early state so more altered encs might follow


Understood , thanks for the reply in such short time  , keep up the good work , love your game  


I just downloaded the game and started playing, it's really good so far

I do have a little question tho, the first time you are asked to use a chastity cage, will you get asked another time? I refused the first time because I try to roleplay as if my character wasn't convinced at all at the beginning, but chastity is one of my favorites aspects of femdom so will there be more "chastity" situations?, or even exclusive cages for each woman you submit your loyalty to?


there are more encounters planned, and there are chances to get out of it on day 2, but getting locked up on the first days is only possible on day 1

That sounds great, I can't wait for it

Although I know this things take time to do, I hope it isn't that much time

Love your work, I hope more people get to play it and support it


Awesome game, keep up the great work. Looking foward to the next update


thanks :)


Hello. Thank you very much for Bellatrix. The most beautiful woman in the game. She needs more attention)))

Tell me, will information about the church be disclosed in more detail? What is it like and what do the nuns do there))

Just as interesting is the Countess in a costume from the Middle Ages with a dark robe over her face.

And the most important question is when will we see the evil demons from hell that we saw in the screensaver?


thank you
it will take a while for the real demons to reveal themselves, but you will encounter some creatures here and there
i think the church will be a visitable place at some point in the game

Will there also be a futa who has very short but very thick penis with huge balls?

Maybe, I don't know, yet. It isn't planned...I usually like my futas above average size

Yeah so they have more dominante vibe

i downloaded the latest day3 version. Before this I had already completed the previous version 0.2.3b so all the saved checkpoints already there which also show up in 3.3.0.a version. How do I access only the new day 3 content? Do I have to start all over again or can go back to a saved checkpoint and start the story from there  by making specific choices so day 3 content loads?

I am not 100% sure right now if 0.2.3b was the latest version or if there was a 0.2.3c previously! only the latest version saves work without bugs. The other versions work as well for the main day but you might not be able to access the new day 3 side quests


Any progress on day 3 been released on yet? Can't wait to continue the story


it is roughly 1-2 weeks away


due to christmas it is available right now ;)

Thank you very much, I'm really looking forward to the future Vivienne update <


Also, I do hope there'll be more content with Miko the hotel owner eventually in the future, she's my favourite!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the amazing content so fa

 Is it possible to find printer paper in part 3?..


no, not yet!

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